We believe that doing good is good for the business. This commitment is central to why many of our employees comes to work every day, and it impacts the way we do business. Amazing things happen when we connect opportunities for our stakeholders and partners.
Together, we multiply the impact of individual efforts to transform lives, communities, and the planet. As we expand market opportunities for our suppliers and customers, we are able to support our social responsibility in building resilient economies in developing countries.
Contributing to the well-being of communities
Emmronn provides venue for its employees and their families to give back to the community by sharing their time and resources to less fortunate children through Emmronnn's annual outreach program with Paaralang Pantao (School for Humanity), a non-government organization that provides children living in poverty access to formal education.
We believe in investing in the future. And it starts with empowering the youth
The Student Assistance program provides employment and learning to underprivilleged college student. Emmronn provides an opportunity to College students to work and at the same time pursue their studies, By working with Emmornn, they are able to pay off the tuition and allowances while at the same time providing actual work experience and training that will prepare them for real world challenges